The Pre-Purchase Begins!
3:39:00 PMThat's right! Today's the day! Guild Wars 2 is now available for Pre-Purchase! Needless to say I'm pretty excited about the game, as I didn't get to play in any of the recent beta's.
I purchased the Digital Deluxe version of the game. Why? Because if I wanted a figurine I'd just get the Plushie from the Penny Arcade store. Its so much cuddlier.
When do Beta Weekend Events (BWEs) start, and how many will there be?
The first BWE is currently planned for late April, and we expect to have one every month or so. The schedule is subject to change and will be confirmed at a later date. Currently, we do not know how many of these events we will have."
Looks like there's going to be a beta at the end of this month and I'll be there letting you know all about my experience. By the way remember if you Pre-Purchase the game you'll be able to get into all of the beta weekends up until release. Also keep in mind that you will not have to pay a monthly fee for this MMORPG.
See you all there!