In the mid 90's is when I first started playing online games, I played a game called Gemstone III. The game was kind of like Zork where there's nothing but words and you have to type commands like "climb stairs" or type in "north" to move north. These were called MUD's or Multi User Dungeons. Gemstone III happened to be one of the more advanced games and you can still play it, but it's upgraded to Gemstone IV.
I bring this game up because it really reminds me of the game I've been playing for the last two almost 3 weeks. The game I'm talking about is called Slavehack.
The concept for this game is pretty simple, you are a hacker and your job is to set out and and slave PC's aka put viruses on them so they make you money. In this case money is in the form of Euros. Now the interface for the game is pretty nice, literally it sets you up with a desktop with little icon's that you can double click to open.
You can move the icon's to where you want.
I really love how the interface looks like your on a mac.
The Icon's that you will use most are Logs, Internet, Slaves, Software and Processes. Some of the not so used but are still useful to know about are the My Computer, Hardware, Forums, Finances and the Rules Icon's. Each of these icon's opens up a window where you can interact somehow with the game.
I'll go over in general what each one of these do.
The Logs icon is the Log File for your PC everything you do shows up here, its good to keep it clear so that no one knows what you've done or where you've been.
Much of everything you do takes "real" time in seconds minutes and hours.
The Internet icon is the way you access other People's PC's and or NPC Computers.
The Slaves icon is a list of computers that you have cracked the password for and have active or inactive viruses on.
NPC PC's reset so you have to collect your cash often.
The Software page shows you all of the programs that you currently have on your PC as well as your way to access your external hard drive. You get new programs from accessing other computers and downloading them from those PC's in the Internet window.
The processes icon allows you to see all of the processes you have going at the moment. There are two different types of processes your Internet downloads or uploads or the processes that your computers processor are handling.
The My Computer icon allows you to see your player rank, how much spam mail you have sent out, your IP address, your PC's password, where you can do an IP reset and see all of the running program versions that you have active. That really sounds like a lot of information but you don't use it as often as you would think.
With the Hardware icon you can upgrade the hardware of your PC. You can upgrade 4 different parts of your PC the Processor, your Internet speed, your hard drive space and your external hard drive.
I often visit the Forums page and like to read what people say there. There is a lot of good advice there but when I first started the forums it looked like people were speaking a bunch of gibberish. As you play a bit more you start to understand what people are talking about.
With the Finances icon it gives you access to your bank account and allows you to reset your banks password and lets you see your account(s) balance. When you check this and there's no money when there "should" be money in there, you know your accounts been hacked. Likely someone saw you make a transfer, saw you log into the bank or saw your account on your log.
The last of the important icons is the Rules. This is the place to go when you don't know if you are following the rules or not. The rules are pretty simple get to know them.
The remaining icon's are pretty self explanatory. Email is a type of message system which I don't really suggest getting. Its just another way for people to get your IP. Highscores, Options, Support and Logout are as self explanatory as it gets. Either way you should at least check them out so you know what they do.
I would say that the game is really fun but as you get further in it feels like you sort of become a hermit and just try to hoard as many slaves as you can get for as long as you can keep them. Fortunately you can perhaps after you've already got millions of Euros stored up and decided to take a risk you can go ahead and start DDoSing PC's. This requires you put a DDoS virus on multiple machine's then set those machine's to attack a certain IP. This hurts the PC's software and hardware and makes it so they have to purchase hardware again as well as find the software again. There's even a place in the forums that people can Brag about who they DDoS'd.
As of right now I currently have the best software (That I'm aware of) out there. So I've been spamming viruses on multiple machine's and making some cash. I have a friend who plays the game with me and we are working on getting a GS or Group Server where we can backup our big files so we have access to them when we need them.

Here's an example of the Internet window when you open it.
I really suggest not trusting many people in game as some of them are there to steal from you through "Social Engineering" (Tricking you into giving them something). The funny thing about the social engineering is that its part of the game. I suggest just going with your instincts and if it sounds too good to be true it likely is.
All and all I rate this as one of my favorite games to play when there's nothing else really going on. I do admit I can get stuck on the game for hours at a time doing nothing but installing viruses and trying to not get caught.
I hope to see you in SH! Look for me on the Forums as Serene.
Game Website: Slavehack
I bring this game up because it really reminds me of the game I've been playing for the last two almost 3 weeks. The game I'm talking about is called Slavehack.
The concept for this game is pretty simple, you are a hacker and your job is to set out and and slave PC's aka put viruses on them so they make you money. In this case money is in the form of Euros. Now the interface for the game is pretty nice, literally it sets you up with a desktop with little icon's that you can double click to open.
You can move the icon's to where you want.
I really love how the interface looks like your on a mac.
The Icon's that you will use most are Logs, Internet, Slaves, Software and Processes. Some of the not so used but are still useful to know about are the My Computer, Hardware, Forums, Finances and the Rules Icon's. Each of these icon's opens up a window where you can interact somehow with the game.
I'll go over in general what each one of these do.
The Logs icon is the Log File for your PC everything you do shows up here, its good to keep it clear so that no one knows what you've done or where you've been.
Much of everything you do takes "real" time in seconds minutes and hours.
The Internet icon is the way you access other People's PC's and or NPC Computers.
The Slaves icon is a list of computers that you have cracked the password for and have active or inactive viruses on.
NPC PC's reset so you have to collect your cash often.
The Software page shows you all of the programs that you currently have on your PC as well as your way to access your external hard drive. You get new programs from accessing other computers and downloading them from those PC's in the Internet window.
The processes icon allows you to see all of the processes you have going at the moment. There are two different types of processes your Internet downloads or uploads or the processes that your computers processor are handling.
The My Computer icon allows you to see your player rank, how much spam mail you have sent out, your IP address, your PC's password, where you can do an IP reset and see all of the running program versions that you have active. That really sounds like a lot of information but you don't use it as often as you would think.
With the Hardware icon you can upgrade the hardware of your PC. You can upgrade 4 different parts of your PC the Processor, your Internet speed, your hard drive space and your external hard drive.
I often visit the Forums page and like to read what people say there. There is a lot of good advice there but when I first started the forums it looked like people were speaking a bunch of gibberish. As you play a bit more you start to understand what people are talking about.
With the Finances icon it gives you access to your bank account and allows you to reset your banks password and lets you see your account(s) balance. When you check this and there's no money when there "should" be money in there, you know your accounts been hacked. Likely someone saw you make a transfer, saw you log into the bank or saw your account on your log.
The last of the important icons is the Rules. This is the place to go when you don't know if you are following the rules or not. The rules are pretty simple get to know them.
The remaining icon's are pretty self explanatory. Email is a type of message system which I don't really suggest getting. Its just another way for people to get your IP. Highscores, Options, Support and Logout are as self explanatory as it gets. Either way you should at least check them out so you know what they do.
I would say that the game is really fun but as you get further in it feels like you sort of become a hermit and just try to hoard as many slaves as you can get for as long as you can keep them. Fortunately you can perhaps after you've already got millions of Euros stored up and decided to take a risk you can go ahead and start DDoSing PC's. This requires you put a DDoS virus on multiple machine's then set those machine's to attack a certain IP. This hurts the PC's software and hardware and makes it so they have to purchase hardware again as well as find the software again. There's even a place in the forums that people can Brag about who they DDoS'd.
As of right now I currently have the best software (That I'm aware of) out there. So I've been spamming viruses on multiple machine's and making some cash. I have a friend who plays the game with me and we are working on getting a GS or Group Server where we can backup our big files so we have access to them when we need them.
Here's an example of the Internet window when you open it.
I really suggest not trusting many people in game as some of them are there to steal from you through "Social Engineering" (Tricking you into giving them something). The funny thing about the social engineering is that its part of the game. I suggest just going with your instincts and if it sounds too good to be true it likely is.
All and all I rate this as one of my favorite games to play when there's nothing else really going on. I do admit I can get stuck on the game for hours at a time doing nothing but installing viruses and trying to not get caught.
I hope to see you in SH! Look for me on the Forums as Serene.
Game Website: Slavehack